
SCPI Commands

class ApplyCls[source]

Apply commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

set(voltage: float, current: float, output: bool) None[source]
driver.apply.set(voltage = 1.0, current = 1.0, output = False)

Sets or queries the voltage and current value of the selected channel.

param voltage
  • numeric: Numeric value for voltage in the range of 0.000 to 64.050.

  • MIN | MINimum: Min voltage at 0.000 V.

  • MAX | MAXimum: Max value for voltage at 64.050V.

  • DEF | DEFault: Default voltage.

param current
  • numeric: Numeric value for current in the range of 0.000 to 20.0100.

  • MIN | MINimum: Min current at 0.000 A.

  • MAX | MAXimum: Max value for current at 0.0100 A.

  • DEF | DEFault: Numeric value for current.

param output
  • OUT1 | OUTP1 | OUTPut1 | CH1: Selects output for channel 1.

  • OUT2 | OUTP2 | OUTPut2 | CH2: Selects output for channel 2.

  • OUT3 | OUTP3 | OUTPut3 | CH3: Selects output for channel 2.

  • OUT4 | OUTP4 | OUTPut4 | CH4: Selects output for channel 4.