Source code for RsNgx.Implementations.Source.Current.Level.Immediate

from ......Internal.Core import Core
from ......Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from ......Internal import Conversions

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]class ImmediateCls: """Immediate commands group definition. 4 total commands, 2 Subgroups, 1 group commands""" def __init__(self, core: Core, parent): self._core = core self._cmd_group = CommandsGroup("immediate", core, parent) @property def step(self): """step commands group. 1 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_step'): from .Step import StepCls self._step = StepCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._step @property def alimit(self): """alimit commands group. 2 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_alimit'): from .Alimit import AlimitCls self._alimit = AlimitCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._alimit
[docs] def get_amplitude(self) -> float: """SCPI: [SOURce]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] \n Snippet: value: float = driver.source.current.level.immediate.get_amplitude() \n Sets or queries the current value of the selected channel. \n :return: current: - numeric value: Numeric value in the range of 0.000 to 20.0100 . - MIN | MINimum: Minimum current at 0.0005 A. - MAX | MAXimum: Depending on the set voltage level, the maximum set current is 20.0100 A.For voltage range up to 32 V, maximum set current is 20.0100 A.For voltage range up to 64 V, maximum set current is 10.0100 A. - UP: Increases current by a defined step size. See [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement]. - DOWN: Decreases current by a defined step size. See [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement].""" response ='SOURce:CURRent:LEVel:IMMediate:AMPLitude?') return Conversions.str_to_float(response)
[docs] def set_amplitude(self, current: float) -> None: """SCPI: [SOURce]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] \n Snippet: driver.source.current.level.immediate.set_amplitude(current = 1.0) \n Sets or queries the current value of the selected channel. \n :param current: - numeric value: Numeric value in the range of 0.000 to 20.0100 . - MIN | MINimum: Minimum current at 0.0005 A. - MAX | MAXimum: Depending on the set voltage level, the maximum set current is 20.0100 A.For voltage range up to 32 V, maximum set current is 20.0100 A.For voltage range up to 64 V, maximum set current is 10.0100 A. - UP: Increases current by a defined step size. See [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement]. - DOWN: Decreases current by a defined step size. See [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement].""" param = Conversions.decimal_value_to_str(current)'SOURce:CURRent:LEVel:IMMediate:AMPLitude {param}')