
SCPI Commands

class SourceCls[source]

Source commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get(arg_0: int) DioOutSource[source]
value: enums.DioOutSource = driver.dio.output.source.get(arg_0 = 1)

Sets or queries the digital output source. See ‘operation modes’ in Figure ‘Overview of trigger IO system’.

param arg_0

1 Channel selection for the digital output source.


arg_1: OUTPut | TRIGger | FORCed OUTPut Selected channel output is used as the digital output source. TRIGger Selected channel external trigger signal is used as the digital output source. FORCed Selected output is forced to high level and can be switched by method RsNgx.Dio.Output.State.set command.

set(arg_0: int, arg_1: DioOutSource) None[source]
driver.dio.output.source.set(arg_0 = 1, arg_1 = enums.DioOutSource.FORCed)

Sets or queries the digital output source. See ‘operation modes’ in Figure ‘Overview of trigger IO system’.

param arg_0

1 Channel selection for the digital output source.

param arg_1

OUTPut | TRIGger | FORCed OUTPut Selected channel output is used as the digital output source. TRIGger Selected channel external trigger signal is used as the digital output source. FORCed Selected output is forced to high level and can be switched by method RsNgx.Dio.Output.State.set command.